Friday, November 25, 2011


Elsha Bohnert, 2011
"Healing Mirrors"
Acrylic on paper
26" x 36"
Elsha Bohnert, 2011
"Pull Me In"
Acrylic on paper
26" x 36"
Elsha Bohnert, 2011
"Story Shiva"
Acrylic on paper
26" x 36"
Elsha Bohnert, 2011
"Laxity Dog"
Collage, acrylic on paper
26" x 36"

The paintings above came out of the recent workshops with Timothy Ojile.  Most of them have been reworked afterwards.  For instance, "Laxity Dog" is a collage added to the painting I did on the word Laxity.  (Timothy gave everyone a different word to paint)  Some of the other assignments were: 
- Think of a story and paint it
- Discover another planet and paint it 

In Open Studio today, Jahn-Peter and I played with the idea of giving ourselves assignments.  Neither of us was terribly serious about it, but still, it's a fun thought. 


  1. You titled one piece 'Pull me In' and , of course, you did!. Due to not having 100% eyesight and also it being a small photo, I could not read
    the text in your work... but maybe you didn't want us to? Ah well.
    I still like the visual/text combination and find it very satisfying. And Timothy presented you with some challenge; 'Laxity' is a tough concept
    to convey as a visual, especially personalized. Wow. Think I might have tried to weasel out of it had it been me. Or sat there for a while with a
    truly constipated look on my face!

  2. Hi Kate. You're up early. The text in "Healing Mirrors" goes something like this: Tod, my gynecologist, is interested in getting a healing session from my healer Xavier who just came back from seeing a healer in Mexico who prepared an altar for Xavier with a mirror on it. Xavier was told to place a bowl with water under his bed at night so the Mexican healer could look in the mirror and remove the shadow that stood between Xavier's soul and body.

  3. Lots of pain = less sleep. That's how it works. (For far too long. I'm deeply tired).

    The leaps your creative mind makes def match the ones your body wanted to/did attempt at clown class: deft, surprising and uncertain
    of outcome, you jump anyway. You would both have been fine on your
    own, but how wonderful you & Phil found each other! Marvelous! I
    smile with you & your memories.

    I guess my way of doing it is by traveling to Panama with v. little money,
    a credit card, no acquaintances, few language skills (I can ask for a bathroom and say, no meat or fish please) and a highly uncertain body. A big leap, too. Yes, I am expecting miracles...I have no idea why or what form they will take. Or if they will just be in my imagination. But I will go anyway.

    Blind faith & insanity appear to hold lots in common. This has not changed since my teenage years, but the beauty of youth provides
    more opportunities than we ever recognize at the time. I wonder how
    it will work as the world perceives me, as an old woman, at best
    eccentric; at worst, nutzoid. Well I am booked into a hostel (no hot water!) for a least one week and we shall see from there.

    Leaps & shifts & changes in perception - I wonder where we'll go from here?
    Keep alert, my friend; Keep dreaming, keep 'seeing'. I love sharing your art & photo journal. It takes me home to the 'aina far more effectively than any travelogue ever could.
    A hui hou (ever hopeful!)
