Thursday, June 19, 2014


In preparation for her 60th birthday, Marcia Zina Mager went on a 3-day retreat in a cabin on Dr. Lori's property in Haleiwa.  For her passage into cronedom, she asked her circle of younger friends to "give her away" to a bunch of kickass Crone friends.  Crone meaning any woman over 60 and  kickass meaning a woman who has kept her juju, one who lives life with "huevas." (Literally: "ovaries" or "eggs," the female equivalent of "balls," like in "She's got huevas!")

Besides Zina, there were eight of us present, with Alice Anne and I being the oldest, and AA of course topping us all in being the most kickass Crone ever.  She blessed Zina with a wish for many grandchildren.  My wish for Zina was to gift her with many lovers.  Actually, I think I said the number "Five."  At least 5.  That should keep her happy for a while.

We shared gifts of songs, rituals, stories, poems, music... champagne, food, fruit, cake, dance... tears, laughs, sweat (lots of sweat), dragonflies, kazoos... ending the day with Zina sweetly presenting each of us with a personalized gift.

I'm still feeling voluptuous with the passion, beauty and huevas of my women friends. 


Friday, June 13, 2014


The construction site at Kapiolani Hospital fascinates me.  All that macho heavy machinery gives me a testosterone rush.  I think I'd be really good driving all that steel and growl.  What really strikes my fancy, though, are the cranes.  And today I got to see something I'd never watched up close before.  At least, as close as I was allowed.  The pictures will have to tell the story.

Out on the street is a truck is waiting,
loaded with steel girders for reinforcing concrete columns.
A worker comes to attach the girders to cables attached to the crane.
He has climbed on top of the load and is looking up 
at the crane cables swaying way above him.
He takes hold of the cables .
Two girders are now attached to the crane cables.
Okay, everything is hooked up and ready 
to be lifted over the pedestrian walkway into the construction pit. 
I'm shooed out of harm's way.  Of course.  I understand.  
The thin plywood roof over the walkway 
is no match for all that steel if it were to come crashing down.
The next pictures I'll have to take from a distance away 
with my so-so Android zoom.

Slight raise...  didn't expect those things to be flexible.
What else don't I know?

Little higher...
And off she goes...
Cool!  So glad I saw it and could document it.
Raising steel!