Monday, April 9, 2012


Maya Soetoro-Ng (right) and I, both of us born in Jakarta, Indonesia

Members and friends of the Honolulu Pen Women were honored to welcome Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng as the featured speaker at their April 4, 2012 meeting.

Maya is the author of the bestselling children’s book, “Ladder to the Moon – A Bridge to Peace” (Candlewick Press, 2011), which she finished writing while campaigning for her brother Barack in 2007.  It's a lyrical story relaying the loving wisdom of their late mother Ann Dunham to Maya's daughter Suhaila.

Maya wrote:
“When I was nine, living in Semarang on the island of Java, my mother gave me a postcard of the 1958 Georgia O’Keefe painting, Ladder to the Moon.  I loved it.  A sturdy, yet delicate ladder hung suspended over the silhouetted desert, and above it, slightly to the left, was a soft half-moon.  The moon wasn’t the focus.  I remember: the ladder wasn’t even pointing to it.  It was a pretty thing in the distance.  The real focus of the painting was the ladder.  The journey was what mattered – the wondrous journey of discovery.”

With her mellifluous voice, Maya took us on an enchanting journey that day.  Gary Culver said it well: "Maya is one of the most beautiful women, in every way, I've ever met."


  1. What a nice author she is! I bought her book last year from Amazon, and I can't wait to read it to my 4 year old granddaughter this summer. BTW, I also bought Barack's children's book, "Of Thee I Sing." What a talented family!

    1. What impresses me is that in addition to being talented and highly accomplished, they live to serve. Maya especially is genuinely kindhearted and generous. You see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice.

  2. I had the honor of hearing some of the Grandmother's tales told from her kids. Maya was able to capture the integrity and spirit of those stories in book form.Passing down the wisdom of service and community is not an easy thing to do. I just hope Maya writes more children's books on this theme. Maybe using the woven grass basket or fabric analogy stories.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Meditrina. Yes, the good news is that Maya is working on another children's book.
